Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Please, everyone, stop telling Claire she's beautiful.

I occasionally find her staring at herself in a mirror. Today, as she gazed into her own eyes, she said, "My eyes are perfect, and my nose is perfect, and my mouth is perfect."


LL said...

as she should...let's hope she always feels that way about herself.
She's a doll!!! and I won't stop saying it :)

LD said...

Oh Claire, yes you are beautiful and you are vain and maybe you better start letting Anne in on the pary or one day Anne may clobber your perfect nose.

Jamie said...

oh how funny! how old is she? It seems like something an older little girl would say.

Swimmingmom said...

You have to admit, she is a beautiful girl! We miss you guys!

Christy said...

A fun book to read is "I Like Me", about a little piggy who looks in the mirror every day and says "Hi Good Lookin" We love and joke with that saying all the time now!
She will have great self confidence to go with the beauty!

Wendi said...

I think we told you the same thing when you were little. Was that the wrong thing to do? I think Damon and Anne are as beautiful. It sucks to have beautiful children Charlotte! With Love, your adoring Aunt

smart mama said...

have you ever read the children's book george and martha - a classic story about this very thing! PS Mr N says Hi!

alison said...

Hey Charlotte, I found your blog through Lynsey's...and am really enjoying it!! I'm glad to know my daughter isn't the only one. Is that wrong??