Tuesday, May 22, 2012


In 2010 a general authority taught that parents should discourage their children from pairing off at a young age.  This was old news to me and my siblings.  We'd known since we were four years old that having a boyfriend or girlfriend before you were in college was the dumbest thing you could do with your life.  I'm pretty sure about the age because before kindergarten I broke the heart of a little boy in my Sunday school class when I wouldn't be his girlfriend.  I'm serious.  He cried, and I despised him for being weak.  Yes, I was cruel.  Luckily for the boys my age, that's about the time my looks peaked and I started going down hill.  I never broke any more hearts.  Now, my sister broke hearts all the way through high school, but that's another story.

This all comes to mind because Anne and I went to McDonald's last Friday.  She got a necklace in her Happy Meal that sings, "My best friend's brother is the one for me."  What?  Who decided this was an appropriate toy for a 5-year-old?  I'm disgusted, and I'm boycotting McDonald's.  They'll be sorry when they realize one of their most faithful customers, who used to come at least twice a year and spend $10, no longer comes at all.  Take that, Ronald McDonald.  I hope you cry your eyes out.


Cathy said...

You are such a strong woman!!! and you crack me up.
I just read the talk referenced. I loved it when it was given and love it even more now. It resonated with me more (funny how 2 years changes the outlook on life so much).

LL said...

I love your humor...and your strength :-)