"What if there was a hotel floating through outer space?"
"What if the wind blew so hard it carried people away?"
"What if we jumped off the roof and started to fly around?"
"What if [fill in the blank]?" x1000
"What if I ask so many 'what if' questions my mom goes insane and has to be institutionalized?" is the only 'what if' he hasn't asked.
"If we're not having meat for dinner, I'm running away from home!"
When Anne wouldn't give her a toy she wanted: "Anne, you look like a toilet!" I was going to wash her mouth out with soap for that one, but I had food poisoning (never drink almond milk that's been on the counter in a hot house all day) and only had the strength to give her a time-out.
Anne has had plenty to say, too, but "Can I got to Bekah's house?" is the only phrase that comes to mind, because I hear it almost as much as "Can I go to Grandma's house?"
I am stealing Claire's insult. I will now tell people they look like a toilet when I'm ticked off--I can't wait!
I think it would be great if Damon could come over for a week or so and keep Grant entertained with his questions.
"you look like a toilet"--i'm still trying to figure that one out. The biggest insult we get around here is "dummyhead"--baffling.
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