Monday, February 1, 2010

New Dos, or You Get What You Pay For

Scissors be praised, I'm back to short. Imagine spending 5 minutes on your hair and having it look better than when you spent 30 minutes on it when it was long. It's fabulous. I wish I could show you how I look in the mirror. I look so much better in the mirror than in photographs. Incidentally, I never cared about how unphotogenic I was until I watched Clueless and found out from Cher that mirrors are not as accurate as cameras. No wonder I hardly ever got asked out on dates: I wasn't as hot as I thought I was. Fortunately I realized my weakness and bought a hand-held mirror. That's how I won over Jake. I carried a mirror around with me and told him to talk to the mirror. Eleven months later, we were married.

Back to the main point, I went to a licensed stylist who knew what she was doing. Being an evil, cheap mother, I took the girls to get their hair cut at the local beauty college. Ironically, the child that couldn't hold her head still to save her life got the better haircut,

while the one that had the student of the month and never moved a muscle ended up looking like a male native from The Mission. That's what you can expect from a $4 haircut. But on the bright side, it's even and will look cute in two months.


LL said...

you are hilarious and beautiful!
I LOVE your hair short, you wear it SO well!

Scottfunkel said...

Charlotte, there are certain things in life that I believe are worth shelling out for, and haircuts are one of them. (Socks is one other that come to mind readily.) But kids don't really care (or know better) so it's probably not worth shelling out for them.

LD said...

LOVE YOUR HAIR! I'm not gonna comment on Claire's...poor thing.

You are as hot as you think and Jake better believe it.

Jamie said...

You look soooo good with short hair. Not everyone can pull that off. Yay for saving 30 minutes a day. That means you can read 30 minutes more.

You're so funny. Did I mention there are a couple of houses for sale in our neighborhood.

Marianne & Clayton said...

You are so funny. And as to short hair, yours is the cutest. You were the one relative I remembered from my wedding day, (amongst the thousands of Firths and Selmans) because in the weeks following, I kept asking Clayton: "Who was the cute girl with the pixie blond hair? I love her hair!" That would be you. You can ask him.

Wendi said...

Wish I could pull off your hair do. I have no patience with do my hair. Just the other day Kaitlin said, "Mom why are you wearing that ugly shirt and poof your hair!" Who needs a mirror when you have Kait!

monica said...

Short hair rules! Love my fellow "short-hair-ians". (is that an oxymoron?) Oh well it's late. But I still LOVE your DO!

King Lady said...

WHY don't you post more often?? Your blog makes me laugh and laugh. Truly charming, you are. And you've always rocked your hair no matter what length.

Kristyn said...

I love your hair! It was so fun seeing you in Denver... definitely have to do it again. Oh, and I'm going to try the mirror thing. :)

lissyfarnz said...

Thanks for the laugh, Charlotte! Love your cute short hair.