Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not so much sugar, plenty of spice

Anne: Can you go away?

Me: Go away? Why do you want me to go away?

Anne: Because you're bothering us.

So, I went away, and just as I suspected she would, Anne pushed a chair to the cabinet, climbed on the counter, opened the cupboard, and looked for candy (I try to limit the kids' sugar intake but sometimes a gal needs some bribery power, folks, so it doesn't hurt to keep a stash).

Anne is a sweet little girl (she says 'please,' 'thank you,' and 'I sorry' frequently), and very cute, but she's got a little more fire than the other two had at this age. She hits and bites more than they ever did. She also says "NO!!" and "That's not fair!" more than is desirable. She spends a considerable part of her day in time-out for tearing up library books, dumping bubble bath all over the floor, deliberately doing what I just told her not to do, etc.


LL said...

why is it always SO adorably funny when it's someone else's kid?!??
;-) Spice is good, especially these days---we need strong girls!
She's a doll!

LD said...

"I not in trouble, I not in trouble."

That is an awesome picture!!! Anne and Zannah are quite a pair, maybe there is a reason we don't live closer right now :)

Jamie said...

What a cute picture! and such a funny girl. She reminds me something of Grant who always says, "Okay mom, I not do it 'gain." If he would only remember his promises.