Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sacrament Meeting Talks

Damon has given two talks, one on the Millennium and the other on the Aaronic Priesthood. See the Bible Dictionary.

Claire gave her first talk last week. See below.

My Uncle Justin is in the Navy. In September he was sent out on a submarine for a patrol where he would have to stay for 16 weeks. This is always hard on his family, and was especially hard this time because my Aunt Melissa was about to have their 3rd baby. They really wanted him to be there when the baby was born, but accepted that he wouldn’t be able to as he was needed during the patrol. The likelihood of surfacing and being able to take leave was extremely slim.

 A couple weeks into the patrol my Aunt Melissa was attending stake conference and the theme was faith. One of the speakers quoted Elder Eyring who said, "The best days are ahead for the kingdom of God on the earth. Opposition will strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, as it has since the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Faith always defeats fear. Standing together produces unity. And your prayers for those in need are heard and answered by a loving God. He neither slumbers nor does he sleep."

Melissa felt she was supposed to exercise faith. She called her family members and asked them to pray for her and Justin. Then Melissa felt her faith strengthened. She knew that Heavenly Father was aware of her family and their needs, and even if Justin couldn't be there for the baby's birth, it would be okay. But then to their surprise Justin was given permission to go home! Nothing shy of a miracle, the submarine surfaced for an inspection. The timing was such that he was able to leave his crew and be home in time for the birth of the baby. He rejoined his crew a couple weeks after to finish the patrol. Exercising faith works miracles. Many members from Justin and Melissa’s ward are retired from the Navy and were in shock that things worked out for him to come home. This is extremely rare given the nature of patrols on submarines where little to no outside communication occurs. 

My great great Grandma Jenny was also a woman of faith. When she grew old she had terrible headaches. The doctors weren't able to help her. My grandpa had just gotten home from his mission and she asked him and my great grandpa to give her a blessing. She was healed immediately and was able to sleep for the first time in days. The headaches never came back.

I hope that when I have hard times I will also choose to have faith.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

I just read this Charlotte. What a beautiful talk on Faith! I knew Grandma Firth got headaches (and she for sure passed on that gene) but I didn't know about the blessing part. Love you!