Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rare recorded dialogue between the Tooth Fairy and her Assistant

[Can't Damon and Anne just give me a nice normal smile?

He lost his top right front tooth. You might notice that the permanant tooth is already half-way in. Damon doesn't pull his teeth out. He let's them come out on they're own. That's how much he hates pain. Or maybe his lame Tooth Fairy doesn't give him enough incentive.]

Tooth Fairy: "How much to we pay for teeth? Fifty cents?"

Assitant: "I don't know. Should we give him a dollar?"

Tooth Fairy, after checking wallets: "We don't have a dollar."

Assistant: "I saw one in the other room."

Tooth Fairy: "That's his dollar. Your parents sent it to him."

Assistant: "So? He won't know the difference."

Tooth Fairy: "You want to give him his own dollar for his tooth."

Assistant: "Yeah. Why not?"

Tooth Fairy: "Well...we'll pay him back, so I guess it doesn't matter..."

Assitant: "Why would we pay him back? He'll never know."

He was kidding. Of course we'll pay him back. As soon as we get a dollar.


LD said...

You guys take tightwads to a new level weekly!

LL said...

We've done the same thing.

germanjules said...


Kim said...

Funny story. The tooth fairy often is a week or two behind schedule at our house. The kids have come to accept that they won't receive their bounty for a while after losing their teeth. The older girls and the tooth fairy have even exchanged their goods in a clandestine meeting in the hallway when the tooth fairy took too long to make a regular visit.

Charlotte, I've just caught up with all of your posts since the summer. I really admire all that you're doing. You are working so hard to help Claire and I'm amazed by your efforts. Do you know how long I've been telling myself that I'm going to learn sign language and teach Aaron? Way too long and I still haven't done it. I think you are amazing for just jumping in head first and doing everything you can. I'm going to try to follow your example and do better myself. Your kids are lucky to have you.

Jamie said...

You have a very practical assistant though his (or is it her) ethics are questionable. I love your stories!

TiffaniS said...

Hey...at least you remembered. Nicholas woke up last time 2 mornings in a row all sad because the tooth fairy is a flake!!!

cat said...

Funniest post EVER!

Jenna said...

LOL It's one of those moments when you wish these legends were never real! We did something similar before. Only this time, it was Christmas and Santa was delayed 2 days or so. Thank God all of their baby teeth have already dropped out.

Jenna Schrock