Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amarillo by morning

or night. They left SLC airport in the morning, I think.
In October my parents took Damon with them to Amarillo to visit my sister and her family. Damon had the time of his life. Nothing like a trip with people who aren't Jake and I to see how sweet life can be. For the record, Damon DID NOT drink MD. That picture was staged by cousin Wes. He thought it would be funny to give me a heart attack.
Uncle Marcus taught Damon to play Monopoly, Lynsey bought him his own board, and now he plays constantly--if Jake and I won't play, he plays with Anne and Claire kind of. He rolls the dice for them, moves their pieces, and then hollers, "Claire! Do you want to buy Mediterranean?" Claire, playing with Anne in the next room, says, "No." Then, "Anne! Do you want to buy Oriental Avenue?" Anne calls back, "Yes!" and so on.


germanjules said...

hahhhhaaa...i love this post...thanks for making my day!

LL said...

THAT is how I wish my kids would play board games. That way I could get things done around the house while purchasing boardwalks and keeping everyone happy :-)
The picture with the Mt. Dew is FUNNY!!!!

cat said...

What's wrong with Mountain Dew? I give it to Oscar in a bottle and it keeps him happy in his crib all night long. ;)