Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday

Damon opening presents before school.

Damon at Jake's birthday dinner.

Claire, Anne, and Jake eating his cake.

Jake's birthday was nice--very low key. But Damon's wore me out. He wanted another Star Wars themed party (same as last year), and I let him invite six friends. It would have been all right, but I did some dumb things the week before (like started voluteering at Damon's school and deciding to save a few dollars by making his pinata instead of buying one) that led to me turning to cookies and chocolate (I'm supposed to be sugar free, remember) and swearing in back rooms (I swore off swearing, too) to cope with the stress. Whew, glad that's over. But the party was a success, and I'll avoid stretching myself too thin in the future.

Where the Wild Things Are

Sam's Club last Friday. That's where the wild things were. Claire and Anne wanted to wear their animal costumes all day. I didn't want to feel left out while we were in public, so I did my hair like Wolverine. Just kidding. I was having a really bad hair day, and I didn't have time to wet it down and start over because I'd been reading my novel all morning.