Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thoughts on Food

I read too much and that's a fact. Recently I read The China Study by some guy who's probably never heard of the Word of Wisdom, yet wrote a whole book with scientific studies supporting it. So now I'm making some radical changes to the way I feed my family: we're slowly eliminating animal based foods and processed foods from our diet (except beef--what do you think I am, a heretic?).

About a week ago we had our last gallon of milk. Last night we ate our last egg in what might be our last batch of chocolate chip cookies. (I don't really mean last--we'll still eat stuff like that for birthdays and when we're guests at other people's houses.)

I think our cheese will hold out for a few more weeks, but we're down to our last few sticks of butter. I'm pretty sad about that. Hot, homemade bread will have no meaning for me anymore. Unless I find out how to make those fancy Italian breads you get at Macaroni Grill and dip in olive oil. Then we might be saved. If something as good as that bread can be made without butter.

Thanks to my mom we've been trying some new vegetables: tomatillos=good, Swiss chard=blech. I took a bite of raw Swiss chard. It tasted the way cow manure smells. It was better cooked with apple juice, garlic, and onion, but it still had a hint of dirt flavoring. No doubt it's very good for you--anything that colorful and that disgusting must be, right?


DocMisty said...

ROFL - Hey, didn't you know everything healthy tastes like dirt? Just kidding.

Good for you!! Now, if I could just cut out sugar like you . . . or at least be brave enough to attempt it :-)

Here's an LDS mom's blog who also eats vegan and has some great ideas, including . . . chocolate chip cookies!


And call or email me if you need ideas . . . Mexican food is a great vegan starter. We just had burritos/tacos tonight with whole wheat tortillas, corn tortillas, beans, rice, avocado, fresh tomatoes, salsa, black olives, and non-dairy sour cream. Yum!

Enjoy your better health!


Cathy said...

You have such strong will power. I wish we ate like that, but I love the taste in my mouth of butter, cheese, milk, and bread.
I have stopped making bread, only because I eat ALL of it and regret it the next day.

Scottfunkel said...

Are you going to stop shaving your legs and armpits too?

Charlotte said...

Already have, Scott, already have.

DocMisty--if you can cut out sugar for three weeks, you'll have it made. You'll still want sugar, but at least you'll eat less of it.

Cathy, I hear you. I don't miss milk, but I'm sure I'll never stop missing butter and chesse!

lex said...

what in the hell charolotte?

Wendi said...

I second Lex's comment. Life is too short to cut out the good tasting foods! And--I figure that if I am too healthy I will live too long and then my kids have to deal with a mother with Alzheimers. It's pretty much a sure thing for the Firth sibs.

Charlotte said...

Aha, Wendi, but Alzheimer's is exactly what this diet says it can prevent. Shoot, I say it's worth a try. I've probably got the genes to live to be 100 anyway. Might as well be healthy for as much of as I can.

Wendi said...

Well-crap. Can I just blame not doing it because I'm lazy or I live with John, who thinks meals consist of meat and potatoes?

Charlotte said...

Wendi, blame it all on John. I'm a firm believer that nothing is ever the wife's fault. Jake is to blame for everything around here.

Jamie said...

It seems you made some radical eating changes last year. Are these the same ones or different? Let me know if you have any success then maybe I'll look into it. (Does this sound rude?--its not meant to)

You're sure your husband can't start looking for a job in our area?

King Lady said...

Lex, I LOVE YOU. I'm still laughing. And, yeah, Charlotte. Dude.

Charlotte said...

Jamie-I stopped drinking milk and tried to reduce my sugar intake last year. Now I'm eliminating eggs and making my family do the same. It's rough. Basically, we're just upping our plant intake and reducing our animal protien intake.

Val, I say "dude" to myself almost every day. Am I insane? Do I have to believe everything I read? AAGH!